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Community Services

Community Services

The Dorfman Chapel is pleased to share with you some of the community programs we sponsor as well as some links to resources and services of interest to our clients.
    Programs we support     Often used charities     Grief Resources     Area Cemeteries     Area Synagogues

Programs Sponsored by The Dorfman Chapel

Listed below are a number of the community services The Dorfman Chapel sponsors.

Jewish Family Service Drop Off Site: With our Central location in the Jewish Community, the chapel is now a drop off site for items that will go to families in need. Jewish Family Service is an agency whose purpose is to provide social services and mental health services to families in the area. Many families need items such as, Baby Items, Personal Care items (shampoo, diapers, laundry detergent.. etc), Depends, Ensure supplement, Batteries, Smoke Alarms, Towels, Wash cloths and any household items such as soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes, kitchen items, blankets and any fun items for kids. Please feel free to drop off any of these items at our office and we will be sure to forward them to Jewish Family Service.

Jewish Calendars: As part of our commitment to the community, we offer Jewish Calendars at no charge. The calendars are adorned with beautiful works of Jewish Art and give the dates of all the Jewish Holidays for the upcoming year. Please feel free to stop in and ask for a calendar. Anyone in the community is welcome to one.

Bereavement Library: In November of 2001, The Dorfman Chapel opened one of the most complete bereavement libraries in the Country, with over 250 books covering all aspects of death and dying and coping with loss. In addition, there are several videos for both children and adults and workbooks that are given out free of charge to anyone who requests one. The library is not only for those suffering a loss; many of the books are for professional people who are in contact with bereaved people, such as hospice volunteers, social workers, psychologists, teachers, etc....
The library hours are from Monday to Thursday, 9:00am to 4:00pm, and on Friday from 9:00am to 2:30pm. We are closed on Saturday and on Jewish holidays. There is no charge to borrow a book or video.

Notification Services: The Dorfman Chapel is pleased to offer you several notification services including yahrzeit reminders, notices of today's services, and a syndication feed of services. Please see our notification services page.

Laminated Yahrzeit Calendars: Another item we offer at no charge is a laminated 20-year yahrzeit calendar. The calendar is personalized for each individual with the deceased's name, hebrew name, year of birth till year of death and the kaddish prayer is on the back in both English and Hebrew. If you would like a 20-year calendar please call our office with the above information and we will be happy to provide you with the calendar.

Speaking Engagements & Tours: Jonathan Dorfman is available to any organization or group to either speak on a wide array of subjects or to bring the group to The Dorfman Chapel for a tour and informative lecture on both the facility and Jewish Traditions that are followed from the time of death till burial. Many religious schools have scheduled tours for the children and any parents of the children who would like to accompany their children. To schedule either a speaking engagement or tour, please call Jonathan Dorfman to arrange a day and time.

Shiva Supplies For Out Of State Burials: In today's day and age, many families have residences in other states. When death occurs in another state, some families prefer to have a burial in that state, yet family members still reside in Michigan. In these situations, the local family still wants to sit Shiva locally for their family and friends. We will gladly drop off any shiva needs, such as chairs, prayer books, coat rack and a seven day shiva candle to assist the local family with its needs. In addition, we can aid in the placement of any notices in either the local newspapers or Jewish News. This is again, part of our service to the community and there is no charge for this service. Simply call our office to arrange for any shiva house needs.

Magazines To Senior Centers: Our chapel currently provides on a weekly basis, magazine racks and magazines for several different centers and apartment complexes in and around Oakland County. The many different magazines are placed in the lobbies of the complexes and are utilized by the residents at their convenience.

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Commonly used charities

If you are interested in charities that have commonly been requested by our clients for memorium contributions please see our charity list.

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Grief Resources

If you are interested in references on dealing with grief please see our list of grief resources.

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Area Cemeteries

Please see our list of area cemeteries that have been used by our clients.

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Area Synagogues

Please see our list of some of the area synagogues.

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30440 W. 12 Mile Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48334

Phone: 248.406.6000   toll free: 866.406.6003   fax: 248.406.6005

© 2003 - 2025 The Dorfman Chapel. All rights reserved.
Licensed funeral directors: Alan Dorfman, Jonathan Dorfman