Today is February 22, 2025, which corresponds to 24 Shevat, 5785. Our local sunset is at 6:16pm.
The Dorfman Chapel's modern facility opened in 2001 and serves the Jewish community of Detroit and southeastern Michigan. It is located 5 miles east of the intersection of Interstates 275 and 696 in Farmington Hills.
Our beautiful, state of the art building, is centrally located for the Jewish Community and in close proximity to the cemeteries, making the chapel easily accessibleWe have comfortable seating for 600 people in the main chapel meaning we have the most chapel seating and the most paved, striped, on site parking of any Jewish, Michigan funeral home
Our chapel is housed in a striking facility with magnificent stained glass and notable art works
Our facility includes separate private rooms for the family, for clergy, and, under a separate roofline, Cohanim. We also have a bereavement library to help you cope with the feelings engendered by a passing or potential passing of a loved one or friend
We hope our website will answer many of your questions and give you an opportunity to become familiar with our facility and philosophies. We are available to answer any questions you may have and we encourage you to either call, email, or stop by in person.
30440 W. 12 Mile Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Phone: 248.406.6000 toll free: 866.406.6003 fax: 248.406.6005
© 2003 - 2025 The Dorfman Chapel. All rights reserved.
Licensed funeral directors: Alan Dorfman, Jonathan Dorfman